Number Theory Day
13 May 2009
Adam Mickiewicz University
Poznań, Poland
- 10.15-11 Alina Cojocaru (Chicago & MPI)
"Serre curves in one-parameter families"
- 11.15-12 Konstantin Ardakov (Nottingham)
"Euler characteristics of p-torsion Iwasawa modules"
- 12.15-13 Bogdan Szydło (Poznań)
"Products of Hecke L-functions and holomorphic cusp forms"
- lunch
- 15.15-16 Kâzim Büyükboduk (Stanford & MPI)
"Euler systems of rank r and Kolyvagin systems"
- 16.15-17 Matthew Morrow (Nottingham)
"Two-dimensional Integration"
- 17.30-18.15 Yoichi Uetake (Poznań)
"Scattering theory for automorphic forms related to the Dirichlet series"
- (around 19.00) conference dinner, downtown